This article proposes a new model for analyzing legal issues arising from technological conception and uses it to develop rules to govern the legal parentage of technologically …
Loving v. Virginia'to Obergefell v. Hodges, 2 the looming issue for contemporary families is nonmiarriage: how should the law respond to the increasing numbers of couples who could …
Premarital agreements' stand at a crossroads of many important topics: contract and family law, public interest and private ordering, feminism, and law and economics. The agreements …
Many people contributed, in varied ways, to this Article. I owe special thanks to three people. Duncan Kennedy, Randall Kennedy, and Joseph Singer. As many readers will recognize …
PG Cassell - J. Crim. L. & Criminology, 1997 - HeinOnline
For most of the last several decades, criminal procedure scholarship-mirroring the Warren Court landmarks it was commenting on-spent little time discussing the guiltless and much …
Is property a black box? Is it best understood in terms of the relationship between owners and nonowners, without regard to the internal dynamics of property stakeholders? Exclusion …
In the last two decades, marriage has emerged as an enormously important topic of legal scholarship, not just in the area of traditional family law, but also in constitutional,'tax, 2 …
Sir Henry Maine long ago identified a historical shift in the law from status to contract.'In recent times we have seen the number of written agreements, warnings, and warranties …
The article examines this question: How much do parents owe their children? It describes the historical development of the child support obligation and current support" guidelines," …