HA Blain, P Villa - Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia-Series A …, 2006 - ingentaconnect.com
The layers, ascribed to the early Upper Pleistocene (Middle Palaeolithic) of Bois Roche Cave, contain an abundant bone assemblage, as well as a few lithic artifacts, in a hyena …
P Pazonyi, M Trembeczki, L Mészáros… - Fragmenta …, 2019 - researchgate.net
Formerly, the Early Pleistocene vertebrate material collected independently from 15 different sampling sites of Beremend Crystal Cave were merged together and treated as a whole …
C Eggert, R GUYETANT - Bulletin de la …, 2002 - loiret-nature-environnement.org
Parmi toutes les espèces d'amphibiens de France, il a été signalé que le Pélobate brun (Pelobates fuscus) est probablement l'espèce la plus menacée (Dubois 1998), sa …
Z Szentesi - Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 2019 - real.mtak.hu
The fossil material of Esztramos 6 palaeovertebrate locality has been revised in this study with special regard to its herpetofauna. Result of this study has shown the presence of the …
Y Ivanova, T Teofilova, N Kodzhabashev - Science & Research, 2018 - researchgate.net
European common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) is a night active, very secretive species and the knowledge about it in Bulgaria is limited. The study in the area of the Zlatiya …
Y Ivanova, T Teofilova, N Kodzhabashev - Science & Research, 2017 - elibrary.ru
European common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) is a night active, very secretive species and the knowledge about it in Bulgaria is limited. The study in the area of the Zlatiya …
Les enregistrements audio automatisés constituent un outil efficace et peu invasif pour le suivi d'espèces, permettant des acquisitions sur de longues périodes, mais implique le …
Le Pélobate brun (Pelobates fuscus) et le Crapaud vert (Bufo viridis) sont deux espèces protégées au titre du L. 411-1 du Code de l'environnement sur l'ensemble du territoire …