Landslides are a worldwide occurring hazard that can produce economic impact and even fatalities. The collection and monitoring of data regarding active landslides are important for …
Watercourses act like a magnet for human communities and were always a deciding factor when choosing settlements. The reverse of these services is a potential hazard in the form of …
Slope failures and landslides cause economic damage and deaths worldwide. These losses can be minimized by integrating different methodologies, instruments, and data monitoring …
Mining activities for mineral resources over the years have resulted in major soil damage. Due the removal process of desired mineral materials, soil textures have been destroyed …
The accentuated degradation of agricultural lands as a result of deep erosion processes is the main problem identified in abandoned agricultural lands under the rainfall intensities …
The accentuated dynamics of the real estate markets of the last 20 years, determined that a large part of the territories in the immediate vicinity of the big urban centers, to change their …
Changes in land use, increasing of agricultural areas to the detriment of wooded ones, and poor management of agricultural land, along with the impact of current changes in the …
The Someș Corridor, located in the central Transylvanian region of Romania, is a territory characterised by favourable conditions for habitation and land use with agricultural …
Rainfall and earthquakes are the most frequent landslide-triggering parameters throughout the Indian Himalayan region. This region is susceptible to both rainfall-and earthquake …