Dynamic parallelism (DP) is a promising feature for GPUs, which allows on-demand spawning of kernels on the GPU without any CPU intervention. However, this feature has …
Video streaming has become the most common application in handhelds and this trend is expected to grow in future to account for about 75% of all mobile data traffic by 2021. Thus …
Conventional planar video streaming is the most popular application in mobile systems and the rapid growth of 360 video content and virtual reality (VR) devices are accelerating the …
During the past decade, the slow down of scaling in transistor technology has brought the chip design to the “post-Moore” era, where integrating more transistors in a single core …
In today's world parallelism is ubiquitous, and different types of parallel models and processors are becoming increasingly common. Moreover, while our programs become …
After hitting the power wall, the dramatic change in computer architecture from single core to multicore/manycore brings us new challenges on high performance computing, especially …