With global surface air temperature rising rapidly, extensive research effort has been dedicated to assessing the consequences of this change for wildlife. While impacts on the …
S Lee, Y Song, SH Kil - Remote Sensing, 2021 - mdpi.com
Wildlife monitoring is carried out for diverse reasons, and monitoring methods have gradually advanced through technological development. Direct field investigations have …
The creation of supplementary habitats that effectively mimic the physical and thermal characteristics of natural tree hollows should be a key priority for landscape restoration and …
Habitat loss and forest fragmentation are currently substantially reducing the availability of natural bat roosts worldwide. However, since bat populations have been recognized as …
Animals breeding in nest‐boxes experience nesting environments in which they did not originally evolve. Despite the central importance of nesting microclimate for offspring fitness …
N Rueegger - Forest Ecology and Management, 2017 - Elsevier
Tree hollow scarcity is a threat to cavity-dependent vertebrate wildlife world-wide across many landscapes. Currently, only nest boxes are commonly used to mitigate or offset lost …
RD Crawford, JM O'Keefe - Conservation Science and Practice, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Bat boxes are commonly deployed to mitigate the loss of bat roosting habitat. Due to a dearth of microclimate research, numerous untested commercially available bat boxes, and …
Nest boxes are often promoted as substitute structures for hollow‐dependent fauna, but are they generally effective? In a long‐term bat‐box monitoring project in south‐eastern …
MA Cowan, JA Dunlop, JM Turner… - … Science and Practice, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
One technique used to combat the growing global species extinction crisis has been to create artificial refuges—human‐made replacements for natural refuges destroyed during …