Density-vague population change

DR Strong - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 1986 - Elsevier
Explicit density-dependence differs from density-vagueness in the sort of regulation imposed
on populations. Explicit density-dependence implies regulation toward a central equilibrium …

Larval ecology of marine invertebrates: a sesquicentennial history

CM Young - Ophelia, 1990 - Taylor & Francis
Although larval ecology has roots as far back as Aristotle, the earliest accurate ideas about
larval recruitment, dispersal, and behavior arose about 150 years ago, during the time of J …

[图书][B] The ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics

BG Luisa - 2012 -
The Ecology of Natural Disturbance and Patch Dynamics brings together the findings and
ideas of researchers studying such varied systems as marine invertebrate communities; …

Coexistence mediated by recruitment fluctuations: a field guide to the storage effect

RR Warner, PL Chesson - The American Naturalist, 1985 -
For most species, a changeable environment creates a situation in which recruitment varies
considerably from one breeding season to the next. If adults survive well, an occasional …

Settlement of benthic marine invertebrates

SR Rodriguez, FP Ojeda, NC Inestrosa - Marine ecology progress series …, 1993 -
Settlement and recruitment of benthic marine invertebrates are complex processes,
determined by the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors which operate at different temporal …

The consequences of variation in initial settlement vs. post-settlement mortality in rocky intertidal communities

JH Connell - Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 1985 - Elsevier
Initial settlement of planktonic propagules may affect the structure of intertidal communities
in some circumstances but not in others. Of the very few studies of initial settlement, most …

Patterns of reproduction, dispersal and recruitment inseaweeds

B Santelices - Ocearrogr. AMar. Biol, 471h, Rez, 1990 -
Reproductive processes of seaweeds and patterns of propagule production and release,
dispersal, settlement and recruitment are reviewed. Present interpretations of the adaptive …

Coexistence of competitors in spatially and temporally varying environments: a look at the combined effects of different sorts of variability

PL Chesson - Theoretical Population Biology, 1985 - Elsevier
A stochastic model is developed for competition among organisms living in a patchy and
varying environment. The model is designed to be suitable for species with sedentary adults …

Cortical magnification factor and the ganglion cell density of the primate retina

H Wässle, U Grünert, J Röhrenbeck, BB Boycott - Nature, 1989 -
IT has long been contentious whether the large representation of the fovea in the primate
visual cortex (VI) 1–8 indicates a selective magnification of this part of the retina7, 9–11, or …

Larval settlement and juvenile mortality in a recruitment‐limited coral reef fish population

BC Victor - Ecological Monographs, 1986 - Wiley Online Library
The temporal and spatial patterns of larval settlement of the bluehead wrasse, Thalasoma
bifasciatum, were documented in the San Blas Islands of Panama. Daily censuses indicated …