F Chen - arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.16502, 2023 - arxiv.org
In this paper, a feature extraction approach for the deformable linear object is presented, which uses a Bezier curve to represent the original geometric shape. The proposed …
Servovisão é uma estratégia de controle que usa a realimentação visual de câmeras para controlar a movimentação de um robô ou um sistema. Servovisão baseado em imagem …
Recent advances in soft robotics have opened up new possibilities for delicate manipulation tasks in unstructured environments. Soft manipulators exhibit highly deformable structures …
Robotic manipulation of deformable objects presents a challenging problem due to their complex and unpredictable nature. Traditional control methods often struggle to handle the …
This research paper investigates the influence of latent and semantic representation frameworks on the efficacy of robotic grasping and manipulation, particularly focusing on soft …
Robotics research has seen significant advancements in recent years, particularly in the realms of visual perception, manipulation, and motion planning. This paper proposes a …
This research paper aims to investigate the integration of cognitive robotics principles into human-robot collaboration (HRC) systems, with a focus on enhancing robots' ability to …
Human-robot collaboration (HRC) has become increasingly prevalent in modern manufacturing, particularly in assembly lines where robots and humans work side by side …
This paper presents a novel approach for the manipulation of composite rigid-deformable objects leveraging contour moments and finite-time model estimation. Composite objects …