Social media and policing: A review of recent research

JP Walsh, C O'Connor - Sociology compass, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Studies of social media's impact on policing have emerged in several disciplines, including
criminology, sociology, and communications. Despite their insight, there is no unified body of …

Contemporary social movements in a hybrid media environment

N Caren, KT Andrews, T Lu - Annual Review of Sociology, 2020 -
Media are central to the dynamics of protest and social movements. Contemporary social
movements face a shifting environment composed of new media technologies and platforms …

“Teachers act like we're robots”: TikTok as a window into youth experiences of online learning during COVID-19

I Literat - AERA open, 2021 -
Social media, and especially popular youth-focused platforms like TikTok, can offer a
valuable window into youth experiences, including their perceptions of online learning …

The web of false information: Rumors, fake news, hoaxes, clickbait, and various other shenanigans

S Zannettou, M Sirivianos, J Blackburn… - Journal of Data and …, 2019 -
A new era of Information Warfare has arrived. Various actors, including state-sponsored
ones, are weaponizing information on Online Social Networks to run false-information …

[图书][B] The ambivalent internet: Mischief, oddity, and antagonism online

W Phillips, RM Milner - 2018 -
This book explores the weird and mean and in-between that characterize everyday
expression online, from absurdist photoshops to antagonistic Twitter hashtags to deceptive …

[图书][B] Hybrid media activism: Ecologies, imaginaries, algorithms

E Treré - 2018 -
This book is an extensive investigation of the complexities, ambiguities and shortcomings of
contemporary digital activism. The author deconstructs the reductionism of the literature on …

Quantifying the power and consequences of social media protest

D Freelon, C McIlwain, M Clark - New media & society, 2018 -
The exercise of power has been an implicit theme in research on the use of social media for
political protest, but few studies have attempted to measure social media power and its …

[图书][B] Searchable talk: Hashtags and social media metadiscourse

M Zappavigna - 2018 -
Metadata such as the hashtag is an important dimension of social media communication.
Despite its important role in practices such as curating, tagging, and searching content, there …

# Ferguson is everywhere: Initiators in emerging counterpublic networks

SJ Jackson, B Foucault Welles - Information, Communication & …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
On the afternoon of 9 August 2014, 18-year-old Michael 'Mike'Brown was shot and killed by
Officer Darren Wilson in the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri. Brown's body lay in …

[图书][B] Reckoning: Journalism's limits and possibilities

C Callison, ML Young - 2019 -
How do journalists know what they know? Who gets to decide what good journalism is and
when it's done right? What sort of expertise do journalists have, and what role should and do …