Santa Guerra Civil: así llamó el destacado fascista español Ernesto Giménez Caballero a la guerra del 36. La guerra justa y santa, la Cruzada fue, para él como para el régimen salido …
H García, M Yusta, X Tabet, C Clímaco - 2016 -
Bringing together leading scholars from a range of nations, Rethinking Antifascism provides a fascinating exploration of one of the most vibrant sub-disciplines within recent …
From neorealism's resolve to Berlusconian revisionist melodramas, this book examines cinema's role in constructing memories of Fascist Italy. Italian cinema has both reflected and …
P Favero - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies, 2010 -
Moving among historical material and contemporary debates on xenophobia and war, this paper is an exploration of the self-representation “Italiani Brava Gente”, an image claiming …
O Coggiola - O Olho da História, 2016 -
É uma ideia grandiosa pretender formar de todo o Novo Mundo uma única nação, em que todas as partes sejam unidas entre si e em conjunto por um mesmo elo. A origem é uma …
C Capogreco, N Bouchard, V Ferme - 2019 -
This book—which is based on vast archival research and on a variety of primary sources— has filled a gap in Italy's historiography on Fascism, and in European and world history …
After Mussolini's regime collapsed, Italy rebuilt itself as a nation and a democracy. The Republican Constitution approved in 1948 rejected the ideologies of both racism and racial …
GP Vitali - Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2022 -
In Italy's complex political past, the memory of resistance against nationalism has always been at the centre of political clashes between the right and the left. Considering that the …
S Palma - Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 2018 - JSTOR
This essay retraces Republican Italy's institutional policies with regard to the country's colonial history, implemented mainly through the management and control of archives …