Quench dynamics and relaxation in isolated integrable quantum spin chains

FHL Essler, M Fagotti - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the dynamics after quantum quenches in integrable quantum spin chains. We
give a pedagogical introduction to relaxation in isolated quantum systems, and discuss the …

Quantum quench in the transverse field Ising chain: I. Time evolution of order parameter correlators

P Calabrese, FHL Essler, M Fagotti - Journal of Statistical …, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the time evolution of order parameter correlation functions after a sudden
quantum quench of the magnetic field in the transverse field Ising chain. Using two novel …

Quantum quenches in the transverse field Ising chain: II. Stationary state properties

P Calabrese, FHL Essler, M Fagotti - Journal of Statistical …, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the stationary state properties of the reduced density matrix as well as spin–
spin correlation functions after a sudden quantum quench of the magnetic field in the …

The quantum Ising chain for beginners

GB Mbeng, A Russomanno, GE Santoro - SciPost Physics Lecture Notes, 2024 - scipost.org
We present here various techniques to work with clean and disordered quantum Ising
chains, for the benefit of students and non-experts. Starting from the Jordan-Wigner …

Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and integrability in quantum spin chains

V Alba - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We investigate the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) in integrable models,
focusing on the spin-1 2 isotropic Heisenberg (XXX) chain. We provide numerical evidence …

Equilibration of a Tonks-Girardeau gas following a trap release

M Collura, S Sotiriadis, P Calabrese - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of a Tonks-Girardeau gas released from a parabolic
trap to a circle. We present the exact analytic solution of the many body dynamics and prove …

The generalized Gibbs ensemble for Heisenberg spin chains

B Pozsgay - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and …, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the generalized Gibbs ensemble (GGE) in the context of global quantum
quenches in XXZ Heisenberg spin chains. Embedding the GGE into the quantum transfer …

Infinite-Time Average of Local Fields in an Integrable Quantum Field<? format?> Theory After a Quantum Quench

G Mussardo - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
The infinite-time average of the expectation values of local fields of any interacting quantum
theory after a global quench process are key quantities for matching theoretical and …

Thermalization and quantum correlations in exactly solvable models

MA Cazalilla, A Iucci, MC Chung - … Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2012 - APS
The generalized Gibbs ensemble introduced for describing few-body correlations in exactly
solvable systems following a quantum quench is related to the nonergodic way in which …

Quench dynamics of a Tonks–Girardeau gas released from a harmonic trap

M Collura, S Sotiriadis… - Journal of Statistical …, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the non-equilibrium dynamics of a gas of impenetrable bosons released from a
harmonic trapping potential to a circle. The many-body dynamics is solved analytically and …