A municipality's budget is a tool that significantly affects the long-term economic potential of the area. In addition, it is an important tool for the management of the municipality, in relation …
S Nikola - Journal of Competitiveness, 2015 - academia.edu
The issue of taxation has become more important due to a significant share of the government revenue. There are several ways of expressing the tax burden of countries. This …
J Huňady, M Orviská - Timisoara Journal of Economics and Business, 2015 - tjeb.ro
The paper deals with the problem of taxation and its potential impact on economic growth and presents some new empirical insights into this topic. The main aim of the paper is to …
LH Stašová - Society and Economy. In Central and Eastern Europe …, 2019 - ceeol.com
In this contribution, we evaluate the performance of the Supreme Audit Office's (SAO) audit activity in the Visegrad Four (V4) countries. We focus on the analysis of the control activities …
National sports associations in Slovakia are the umbrella organizations for individual types of sports and help achieve the objectives of public policies in the field of sports. In the Slovak …
Problém dosahování úspor ve veřejném sektoru patří k aktuálním teoretickým a praktickým otázkám teorie a praxe veřejných financí, veřejné ekonomie, správy a politiky. Autoři …
F Hrůza - Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series …, 2013 - dk.upce.cz
The aim of this paper is to identify origins of financial analysis approach and the process of application this specific approach in public sector, especially in case of municipalities in …
L Cíbik, M Meluš - Lex localis, 2019 - search.proquest.com
The aim of our article is to identify the development of the financial system of revenues and expenses of territorial self-government created by the application of fiscal decentralization in …
L Cíbik - Komunálna samospráva na Slovensku optikou verejnej …, 2019 - fsvucm.sk
Priblížiť finančný systém komunálnej (miestnej) samosprávy na Slovensku nemožno bez povedomia o reformách verejnej správy na našom území po roku 1989. Každá zmena …