Pengaruh inokulan bakteri penambat nitrogen, bakteri pelarut fosfat dan mikoriza asal Desa Condro, Lumajang, Jawa Timur terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman cabai …

AD Permatasari, T Nurhidayati - Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS, 2014 -
Pada tahun 2013 telah berhasil diisolasi mikroorganisme tanah pada lahan budidaya
tanaman cabai rawit asal Desa Condro, Lumajang, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan …

[PDF][PDF] Kepadatan spora dan persen koloni mikoriza vesikula arbuskula (MVA) pada beberapa tanaman pangan di lahan pertanian Kecamatan Jabung Malang

NP Alayya, B Prasetya - Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya …, 2022 -
Mikoriza merupakan hubungan simbiosis antara jamur dan akar tanaman yang saling
menguntungkan. Mikoriza dapat ditemukan di hampir semua jenis tanah dan umumnya …

Structure and composition of major arbuscular mycorrhiza (MA) under different farmer management of coffee and pine agroforestry system

C Prayogo, D Prastyaji, B Prasetya, N Arfarita - 2020 -
Utilization of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (MA) as beneficial soil microbes is expected to support
nutrient demand for improving crop performance. However, under the agroforestry system …

Pemberian Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula dan Biochar terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril) pada Tanah Ultisol

S Yunedi, A Perdana - Jurnal Agroteknologi, 2023 -
Soybean is one of the main needs and sources of vegetable protein for Indonesian. National
needs of soybean continue to increase in line with the increase of population, but soybean …

Application of mulch and soil microbes to increase growth and yield of chili pepper

SA Lasmini, I Idham, S Pagiu, R Yusuf… - AIP Conference …, 2023 -
Chili cultivation in dryland is constrained by limited water and low soil fertility. To overcome
this can be done with the use of mulch and biofertilizers. This study aims to determine the …

Respons Tanaman Jarak Pagar Terhadap Mikoriza Indigenous dan Pupuk P di Lahan Bekas Tambang Batu Bara

E Kartika, L Lizawati, H Hamzah - Biospecies, 2018 -
The objective of this research was to assess the response of Jatropha curcas to indigenous
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) and P fertilizers applications in former coal mine fields …

Effectiveness of mycorrhizae on growth and production of orange sweet potato at various watering level

N Rahmawati, FE Sitepu… - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 -
Sweet potato is a food crop that is widely cultivated during the dry season in rice fields.
Increasing sweet potato production can be done by inoculating mycorrhizae which play a …

Perbanyakan Berbagai Jenis Mikoriza Arbuskula Di Berbagai Jenis Tanaman Inang

SS Nuridayati, B Prasetya, S Kurniawan - Jurnal Tanah dan …, 2019 -
The type of mycorrhizae has the behavior of AM colonies on plant roots and different spore
formation, so the selection of important host plants in multiplication of AM. This study aimed …

The Impact of Providing Mycorrhiza and Palm Oil Waste Planting Media on the Growth of Shallot Plants (Allium ascalonicum)

R Rahmania - Biofarm: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 2024 -
Improving shallot cultivation techniques needs to be done by providing mycorrhiza and palm
oil waste as a mixture of planting media for shallot growth and production. The aim of this …


DSN Ginting, GZ Anshari… - Jurnal Pertanian Agros, 2024 -
Azotobacter bacteria are non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria that fix free nitrogen from the
air. It is hoped that the nitrogen that has been fixed by Azotobacter bacteria can be used by …