Contribution méthodologique à l'analyse fonctionnelle des céramiques d'un habitat néolithique: l'exemple de Kovačevo (6 200-5 500 av. J.-C., Bulgarie)

J Vieugué, S Mirabaud… - … . Revue d'archéométrie, 2008 -
L'analyse d'une centaine de vases parmi les plus complets a été réalisée afin
d'appréhender leurs fonctions et modes d'utilisation. Une approche interdisciplinaire située …

The consumption of bone powder in the early neolithic societies of Southeastern Europe: evidence of a diet stress?

J Vieugué, L Salanova, M Regert… - Cambridge …, 2015 -
Research performed on Early Neolithic ceramic assemblages from southwestern Bulgaria
has revealed that several categories of pottery were used for the preparation of foodstuffs …

A particular temper: mineralogical and petrographic characterisation of ceramic fabrics with glauconitic inclusions

E Basso, C Capelli, MP Riccardi, R Cabella - ArchéoSciences, 2008 -
This paper focuses on the mineralogical and petrographic characterisation of ceramic
fabrics rich in glauconitic pellets, found out in a few local productions of European and …

Visible repairs and invisible behaviour

P Debels, K Pêche-Quilichini, J Perthuison… - Hiatus, lacunes et …, 2023 -
Ceramic vessels offer unparalleled performance characteristics that explains their success
from the Neolithic forth: ability to hold liquids and sustain heat and shocks to a certain …

[PDF][PDF] Funcions dels recipients en terra cuita en context d'hàbitat neolític: noves aproximacions

J Vieugué, S Mirabaud, M Regert - Cota zero: revista d'arqueologia i …, 2008 -
En primer lloc, presentarem el marc general de la situació elaborada per comprendre l'ús
dels vasos en tota la diversitat i complexitat. Després, ens centrarem sobre l'estudi dels …

Classification of Archaeological Assemblages According to the Chaîne opératoire Concept: Functional and Sociological Characterization

V Roux, V Roux - Ceramics and Society: A Technological Approach to …, 2019 - Springer
After the mastery of the technological interpretation of sherds or vessels comes the
classification stage of ceramic assemblages. The principles of ceramic assemblage …