Pension reform with variable retirement age: a simulation analysis for Germany

H Fehr, M Kallweit, F Kindermann - Journal of Pension Economics & …, 2012 -
The paper analyzes the recent pension reform in Germany which increases the normal
retirement age by two years. The applied simulation model features a realistic demographic …

Procrastination and financial planning for retirement: A moderated mediation analysis.

G Topa, T Herrador-Alcaide - Journal of neuroscience, psychology …, 2016 -
The longitudinal study described in this article analyzes the mediating role of financial
retirement goals in the relationship between financial retirement knowledge and retirement …

[PDF][PDF] Who's going broke? Comparing growth in Public Healthcare Expenditure in ten OECD countries

C Hagist, LJ Kotlikoff - … Publica Espanola/Revista de Economia Publica, 2009 -
Government healthcare expenditures have been growing much more rapidly than GDP in
OECD countries. How much of this growth is due to demographic change versus increases …

Pensiones y reforma pensional: efectos macroeconómicos del envejecimiento en Colombia

F Arias-Rodríguez, JA Parra-Polanía - 2021 -
We analyze the effects of population aging in the next decades on the Colombian pension
system and on several macroeconomic variables. We also consider the impact of several …

[PDF][PDF] El efecto de la inmigración en la sostenibilidad a largo plazo del sistema de pensiones en España

ZJR Ayuso, CB Arribas, JL Díaz, CL Lago… - … Española/Review of …, 2009 -
En este trabajo se ha construido un modelo de simulación demográfico-económico,
denominado Carrión, para proyectar el gasto en pensiones de jubilación, las cotizaciones a …

Coping with Spain's aging: retirement rules and incentives

M Catalán, J Guajardo, AW Hoffmaister - Journal of Pension …, 2010 -
This paper evaluates the macroeconomic and welfare effects of extending the averaging
period used to calculate pension benefits in a pay-as-you-go system. It also examines the …

The effects of ageing on household consumption in Central and Eastern Europe

K Michnevič - … of international scientific publications: economy & …, 2016 -
Abstract [eng] Recent shortcomings in consumption-oriented stimulus measures in the EU
point to demographic trends as a possible explanation of lacklustre growth. The author …

[图书][B] A Tradeoff between the Output and Current Account Effects of Pension Reform

MM Catalan, MNE Magud - 2012 -
We compare the long-term output and current account effects of pension reforms that
increase the retirement age with those of reforms that cut pension benefits, conditional on …

Preventing reforming unequally

A Börsch-Supan, K Härtl, DN Leite… - Journal of Population …, 2023 - Springer
Population aging has forced policy makers in most developed countries to reform pension
systems with the aim of maintaining or re-establishing financial sustainability. This usually …

A Tradeoff between the Output and Net Foreign Asset Effects of Pension Reform

M Catalán, NE Magud - Open Economies Review, 2017 - Springer
We use an overlapping generations model of a small open economy with perfect capital
mobility to evaluate the long-term effects of pension reforms on output and net foreign …