[图书][B] K-theory for operator algebras

B Blackadar - 1998 - books.google.com
K-theory has helped convert the theory of operator algebras from a simple branch of
functional analysis to a subject with broad applicability throughout mathematics, especially …

[图书][B] Operator algebras: theory of C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras

B Blackadar - 2006 - books.google.com
This volume attempts to give a comprehensive discussion of the theory of operator algebras
(C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras.) The volume is intended to serve two purposes: to …

C∗-algebras associated with irrational rotations

M Rieffel - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1981 - msp.org
For any irrational number α let A α be the transformation group C∗-algebra for the action of
the integers on the circle by powers of the rotation by angle 2 πα. It is known that A α is …

[图书][B] Classification of Nuclear, Simple C*-algebras

M Rørdam, E Størmer, M Rørdam - 2002 - Springer
The possibility that nuclear (or amenable) C*-algebras should be classified up to
isomorphism by their K-theory and related invariants was raised in an article by Elliott …


M Rørdam - International Journal of Mathematics, 2004 - World Scientific
Suppose that A is a C*-algebra for which, where is the Jiang–Su algebra: a unital, simple,
stably finite, separable, nuclear, infinite-dimensional C*-algebra with the same Elliott …

Dimension groups and their affine representations

EG Effros, DE Handelman, CL Shen - American Journal of Mathematics, 1980 - JSTOR
We show in Section 3 that all simple dimension groups with finitely many pure states (see
Section 1) arise in this fashion. A generalization of this result to all simple dimension groups …

On the structure of simple C∗-algebras tensored with a UHF-algebra, II

M Rørdam - Journal of functional analysis, 1992 - Elsevier
Let D be a simple unital C∗-algebra, let B be a UHF-algebra, and put A= B⊗ D. It is proved
that if p, q ϵ A are projections and τ (p)< τ (q) for all quasitraces τ on A, then p≲ q (in the …

[PDF][PDF] Dimension functions on simpleC*-algebras

J Cuntz - Mathematische Annalen, 1978 - uni-muenster.de
In order to make available for C*-atgebras the results of Goodearl and Handelman [5] on
existence and uniqueness of rank functions on regular rings, we associate in the present …

[图书][B] Linear algebra over commutative rings

BR McDonald - 2020 - books.google.com
Page 1 PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS A Series of Monographs and Textbooks LINEAR
ALGEBRA OVER COMMUTATIVE RINGS Bernard R. McDonald Page 2 Linear Algebra Over …

Equivalence and traces on C∗-algebras

J Cuntz, GK Pedersen - Journal of Functional Analysis, 1979 - Elsevier
We introduce an equivalence relation among the positive elements in a C∗ and show that
the algebra is (semi-) finite if and only if there is a separating family of (semi-) finite traces …