Computer-aided cryptography is an active area of research that develops and applies formal, machine-checkable approaches to the design, analysis, and implementation of …
Cloud computing is a new platform to manage and provide services on the internet. Lately, researchers have paid attention a lot to this new subject. One of the reasons to have high …
Formal methods have provided approaches for investigating software engineering fundamentals and also have high potential to improve current practices in dependability …
Supplier evaluation and selection constitutes a central issue in supply chain management (SCM). However, the data on which to base the corresponding choices in real life problems …
Abstract Development of formal proofs of correctness of programs can increase actual and perceived reliability and facilitate better understanding of program specifications and their …
Abstract Context Formal methods (FMs) have been around for a while, still being unclear how to leverage their benefits, overcome their challenges, and set new directions for their …
Context: Productivity refers to the rate at which a company produces goods, and its observation takes into account the number of people and the amount of other necessary …
Formal verification can provide the highest degree of software assurance. Demand for it is growing, but there are still few projects that have successfully applied it to sizeable, real …
By raising evolutionary network connections, a software‐defined network (SDN) offers a well‐ managed and flexible novel network topology. The SDN efforts are provided to abstract the …