AT Wijaya, L Nurhajati - Bricolage: Jurnal Magister Ilmu …, 2018 -
Penyandang disabilitas merupakan salah satu kelompok minoritas di dunia yang masih mengalami diskriminasi. Melihat hal tersebut, Convention on The Rights of Persons with …
A Jinaratana, Y Permatasari, J Claudia - Asian Journal of Social and …, 2023 -
Transnational crime can be said to be one of the threats that has quite a big impact on Indonesia's security. So that there are no more obstacles in eradicating transnational crime …
Environmental degradation is one of the many environmental problems that need to be faced by every country in the world. Both developed and developing countries can find …
The global pandemic of the Covid-19 outbreak has caused problems in various aspects of life. Several countries have invented or made the Covid-19 vaccine. However, there are still …
E Elda - NUSANTARA: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 2024 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis yurisdiksi International Criminal Court (ICC) dalam penyelesaian kasus Rohingnya dan mengidentifikasi hambatan yang dihadapi ICC …
H Maryani, N Harahap - 2022 -
This study aims to examine the application of the AFTA-China regional trade arrangement model through strengthening local wisdom as well as the existence of local potential in …
Abstrak Permasalahan Republik Yaman muncul karena adanya kelompok Hutsi yang ingin merebut pemerintahan resmi Yaman, pelanggaran kedaulatan di pulau socotra yang …
Sengketa dan atau konflik baik ia secara privat maupun publik akan berujung pada ketidak kesepahaman para pihak atau subjek hukum lainnya. Dalam hubungan Internasional antar …
A potential area of space is an area that is above a country that is still free of power. Areas of potential space can be used limitedly by other countries that are not geographically based …