Gait recognition is an essential biometric technique that recognizes humans at a distance through their unique walking style. In the present era of deep learning, automated gait …
Over the past decade, Deep Learning (DL) pipelines have undergone significant evolution and demonstrated effectiveness in addressing complex challenges within artificial …
Abstract Exploring Gait Biometrics within the domain of deep learning offers a potent fusion that significantly enhances pattern recognition capabilities. Over the past decade, the …
3D sensors offer depth sensing that may be used for task-specific data processing and computational modeling. Many existing methods for human identification using 3D depth …
Human mobility is an important health indicator, especially for older adults potentially transitioning to frailty. Currently, the analysis of human mobility is based on expensive or …
Az értekezés a gépi érzékelés különböző problémáival foglalkozik, célul tűzve ki a megfigyelt statikus vagy dinamikus környezetünk automatikus elemzését különféle képi …