A Comparative Study on the Performance of High Pressure Fuel Pumps for Compression Ignition Engines Fueled by DME

J JEONG, W CHO, O LIM - Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy, 2023 - koreascience.kr
In this study, the performance of high-pressure fuel pumps was compared to find a high-
pressure pump suitable for dimethyl ether (DME) fuel, and to establish a database of basic …

[PDF][PDF] DME 를연료로하는압축착화엔진용고압연료펌프의성능비교연구

정재희, 조원준, 임옥택 - 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집, 2023 - journal.hydrogen.or.kr
In this study, the performance of high-pressure fuel pumps was compared to find a high-
pressure pump suitable for dimethyl ether (DME) fuel, and to establish a database of basic …

[PDF][PDF] DME 를연료로하는압축착화엔진용플런저식고압펌프의유량성능연구

정재희, 이세준, 유동규, 임옥택 - 한국가스학회지, 2022 - koreascience.kr
요 약디젤엔진의 대체 연료로 연구되고 있는 청정연료인 DME 는 디젤엔진의 중요한 문제 중
하나인 배기가스를줄일 수 있으며, 세탄가와 산소함유량이 매우 높다. DME 는 LPG 와 유사한 …

Experimental and Numerical Analysis of DME Spray Characteristics in Common-rail Fuel System

SJ Jeong, JK Park, SI Lee, OT Lim - Transactions of the Korean …, 2012 - koreascience.kr
Spray visualization and computer simulation of a DME injector have been conducted to
investigate the enlarged injection hole diameter effect. To increase the reliability of the …

[PDF][PDF] 커먼레일연료시스템에서의DME 분무특성에대한실험과해석적연구

정수진, 이상인, 강우, 임옥택 - 대한기계학회논문집B 권, 2012 - researchgate.net
본 논문에서는 노즐홀 직경을 확대하여 유량을 증가시킨 DME 인젝터의 가시화 실험과 분무
해석을 수행하였다. 해석의 신뢰성을 확보하기 위하여 가시화 실험과 분무해석을 비교하였고 …

경량트럭용커먼레일디젤인젝터와DME 인젝터의분무특성비교연구

이상인, 정수진, 임옥택 - 한국자동차공학회추계학술대회및전시회, 2011 - dbpia.co.kr
Recently, The DME is drawing attention as upcoming clean alternative fuel of the diesel. It is
synthetic product that is produced through dehydration of methanol or a direct synthesis from …