The UN Security Council and International Law explores the legal powers, limits and potential of the United Nations Security Council, offering a broadly positive (and positivist) …
International Law presents a comprehensive yet student-focused approach to the subject, providing a contemporary and stimulating account of international law. With critical coverage …
States invariably justify using force extraterritorially by reference to their right of self-defence. In doing so, they accept that the exercise of this right is conditioned by the customary …
UN peace operations are increasingly asked to pursue stabilization mandates with lofty expectations of being able to stabilize conflict zones, achieve national reconciliation, and …
Collective self-defence can be defined as the use of military force by one or more states to aid another state that is an innocent victim of armed attack. However, it is a legal justification …
DJ Birkett - Netherlands International Law Review, 2022 - Springer
Abstract In May 2017, the Egyptian armed forces conducted airstrikes against non-State targets in the neighbouring State of Libya in response to a series of attacks perpetrated …
K Svanberg - International Journal of Maritime Crime & Security, 2020 -
This article discusses the use of PCASPs as an alternative or additional layer of protection on board ships in the fight against maritime piracy and armed robbery at sea from an …
Zusammenfassung Die Einladung eines Staates, auf seinem Staatsgebiet militärische Gewalt anzuwenden, schließt den Tatbestand des völkerrechtlichen Gewaltverbotes für eine …
У книзі розглянуто питання політики щодо забезпечення інформаційної (кібер) безпеки, її витоків і цілей із точки зору міжнародного співробітництва. На основі текстів …