Heisenberg's uncertainty principle forms a fundamental element of quantum mechanics. Uncertainty relations in terms of entropies were initially proposed to deal with conceptual …
S Aaronson - Proceedings of the 50th annual ACM SIGACT …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
We introduce the problem of* shadow tomography*: given an unknown D-dimensional quantum mixed state ρ, as well as known two-outcome measurements E 1,…, EM, estimate …
This book provides the reader with the mathematical framework required to fully explore the potential of small quantum information processing devices. As decoherence will continue to …
Given copies of a quantum state ρ, a shadow tomography protocol aims to learn all expectation values from a fixed set of observables, to within a given precision ε. We say that …
Quantum information processing is the emerging field that defines and realizes computing devices that make use of quantum mechanical principles such as the superposition …
There has been recent promising experimental and theoretical evidence that quantum computational tools might enhance the precision and efficiency of physical experiments …
M Tomamichel - arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.2142, 2012 - arxiv.org
This thesis consolidates, improves and extends the smooth entropy framework for non- asymptotic information theory and cryptography. We investigate the conditional min-and max …
The Leftover Hash Lemma states that the output of a two-universal hash function applied to an input with sufficiently high entropy is almost uniformly random. In its standard formulation …
S Aaronson - Proceedings of the Royal Society A …, 2007 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Traditional quantum state tomography requires a number of measurements that grows exponentially with the number of qubits n. But using ideas from computational learning …