I Peeva, B Sturmfels - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1998 - Citeseer
The study of semigroup algebras has a long tradition in commutative algebra. Presentation ideals of semigroup algebras are called toric ideals, in reference to their prominent role in …
W Bruns, J Herzog - Journal of pure and applied algebra, 1997 - Elsevier
We study the minimal free resolution F of a ring T= SI where S is a positive affine semi-group ring over a field K, and I is an ideal in S generated by monomials. We will essentially use the …
DI Stamate - Multigraded Algebra and Applications: NSA 24 …, 2018 - Springer
Betti Numbers for Numerical Semigroup Rings | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement SpringerLink Account Menu Find a journal Publish with us Track your …
We examine the Delta set of a cancellative and reduced atomic monoid S where every set of lengths of the factorizations of each element in S is bounded. In particular, we show the …
E Briales, A Campillo, C Marijuán, P Pisón - Journal of Pure and Applied …, 1998 - Elsevier
Minimal systems of generators for ideals of semigroups Page 1 JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA ELSEVIER Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 124 (1998) 7-30 Minimal …
Let K be an arbitrary field. Let a=(a 1<⋯< an) be a sequence of positive integers. Let C (a) be the affine monomial curve in A n parametrized by t→(ta 1,..., tan). Let I (a) be the defining …
V Reiner, J Roberts - Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2000 - Springer
We generalize work of Lascoux and Józefiak-Pragacz-Weyman on Betti numbers for minimal free resolutions of ideals generated by 2× 2 minors of generic matrices and generic …
Abstract Let I⊆ R= K [x 1,…, xn] be a toric ideal, ie, a binomial prime ideal. We investigate when the ideal I can be “split” into the sum of two smaller toric ideals. For a general toric …
A simple way of computing the Apéry set of a numerical semigroup (or monoid) with respect to a generator, using Groebner bases, is presented, together with a generalization for affine …