Temporary rivers are characterized by shifting habitats between flowing, isolated pools, and dry phases. Despite the fact that temporary rivers are currently receiving increasing attention …
Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) encompass fluvial ecosystems that eventually stop flowing and run dry at some point in space and time. During the dry phase …
Both natural and anthropogenic processes can lead to the increasing salinity of surface waters. The knowledge about the ecological consequences of salinization on the biota is …
When the regime of a river is not perennial, there are four main difficulties with the use of hydrographs for assessing hydrological alteration: i) the main hydrological features relevant …
Abstract Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) in Africa, covering 66% of the continent and are home to around 200 million people, face significant water scarcity challenges due to harsh …
More than half of the world's rivers dry up periodically, but our understanding of the biological communities in dry riverbeds remains limited. Specifically, the roles of dispersal …
Study region Mediterranean catchment in Algeria Study focus A procedure to characterise the flow regimes of non-perennial rivers in regions with limited data availability was defined …
We define Dry Rivers as those whose usual habitat in space and time are dry channels where surface water may interrupt dry conditions for hours or a few days, primarily after …
Dry rivers (DR) are a non-perennial type of river that flows for only hours or a few days, primarily after heavy rain that often causes flash floods. Unlike intermittent and ephemeral …