Med blicken på barnet: om olikheter inom förskolan som diskursiv praktik

L Palla - 2011 -
Inte sällan, och möjligen något klichéartat, beskrivs forskningsoch avhandlingsarbetet som
en resa. För mig har det också varit en resa. Den har inte varit särskilt, utan tydlig början och …

Disabled & not normal: Identity construction after an acquired brain injury

C Glintborg - Narrative Inquiry, 2015 -
The transition from being well and fully functioning to being suddenly disabled by an
acquired brain injury (ABI) and having to start a recovery process has a huge impact on a …

[图书][B] Ordnung, Moral und Zwang: administrative Versorgungen und Behördenpraxis

R Bühler, S Galle, F Grossmann, M Lavoyer, M Mülli… - 2019 -
Soziale Risiken waren in der Schweiz lange Zeit nicht ausreichend versichert. Ein Teil der
Bevölkerung blieb im Bedarfsfall vom Ermessen der Fürsorge und …

[PDF][PDF] Trailing the unpredictable pathways of European Union lifelong learning policy: Methodological challenges

P Cort - Adult education policy and the European Union …, 2014 -
What makes policy travel or flow across Europe, within wider policy spaces, is of interest
here (Lawn & Grek, 2012: 10). Since 2000 the concept of Europeanisation has gained …

[图书][B] Hvad er en ph. d.-afhandling?: en undersøgelse af hvordan ph. d.-afhandlingen konstitueres af ph. d.-vejledere og ph. d.-studerende inden for humaniora og …

S Skov - 2019 -
En ph. d.-afhandling et 'svendestykke'som viser at forfatteren har “gennemført et
selvstændigt forskningsarbejde under vejledning” som det siges i Bekendtgørelsen om …

[图书][B] Kritiske perspektiver i helsefagene: Utdanning, yrkespraksis og forskning

M Feiring, I Ruud Knutsen, TI Juritzen, K Larsen - 2017 -
Professional criticism and reflection are important elements in all health science practices
and knowledge development. This anthology presents a wide range of critical perspectives …

[PDF][PDF] Hvordan bagsiden bliver fremlagt-Systematisk review over de sidste 40 års forskning i Østgrønland

M Glendøs - Psyke & Logos, 2017 -
Solen rammer hver dag Grønlands østside først og viser sig op mod to timer senere i vest.
Alligevel bliver Østgrønland kaldet Tunu (bagsiden), og østgrønlænderne kaldet tunumiut …

Power and contexts: Some societal conditions for organisational action research--Clashes between economic-management and pedagogic-social discourses.

M Kristiansen, J Bloch-Poulsen - International Journal of …, 2014 -
Based on action research co-operation with a team of teachers at a Social and Healthcare
College in Denmark 2012-2013, the article raises the question: What are the conditions for …

[PDF][PDF] Breaking barriers: Exploring female fitness influencers' empowering discourse

K Bjørn - 2023 -
This thesis investigates the strategies employed by female fitness influencers in addressing
barriers to accessing the gym as a woman, and explores the responses of their followers …

Trivselsmålinger i folkeskolen: Skal alle elever være lykkelige?

F Wiedemann - Tidsskrift for professionsstudier, 2024 -
Resumé Since the school reform in 2014 all primary schools have been carrying out well-
being-measurements. The article focuses on school leaders' experiences with well-being …