What educational background do crime laboratory directors require from applicants?

KG Furton, YL Hsu, MD Cole - Journal of …, 1999 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
A summary of the results from a recent survey where crime lab directors listed their
educational requirements from applicants for the positions of drug chemist, trace/impression …

Building bridges between criminal justice and the forensic sciences to create forensic studies programs

HF Fradella, SS Owen, TW Burke - Journal of Criminal Justice …, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
The ever‐increasing role of the forensic sciences in the criminal justice system requires
criminal justice educators to integrate the study of forensic science into a traditional social …

How do I become a forensic scientist? Educational pathways to forensic science careers

RE Gaensslen - Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2003 - Springer
It has been argued persuasively that crime scene investigation would be more effective if
criminalists could be regularly involved in it. By “more effective” is meant that more relevant …

[HTML][HTML] A survey of senior practitioners regarding most desirable qualifications for hiring and advancement within forensic science

CO Brown, BK Logan, HE McKiernan - Forensic Science International …, 2019 - Elsevier
In today's environment in the field of forensic science where continual advancements in
technology and analytical approaches are the norm, the need for forensic practitioners with …

So your student wants to be a crime scene technician?

CR Capsambelis - Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
More criminal justice students are interested in a career in physical evidence collection.
Oftentimes faculty have limited knowledge of the subject, which undermines their efforts to …

Evaluation of a model for providing cost effective, accessible continuing education to the forensic science community

TJ Gluodenis - Forensic Sciences Research, 2021 - academic.oup.com
This study presents a detailed model and its subsequent assessment for the development
and optimized delivery of continuing education for the forensic science community. Online …

What is the preferred educational background of forensic scientists?

M Marohl, G Jensen, H Barkholtz - Journal of Analytical …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Forensic science is a broad and rapidly developing field where fundamental scientific
principles and techniques are used to investigate crimes. As the field evolves, universities …

[PDF][PDF] A XXI. századi bűnüldözés-tudomány nemzetközi tendenciái

F Csaba - Magyar Tudomány, 2004 - epa.niif.hu
A bűnüldözés-tudomány úgy is körülírható ezek után röviden és tömören, hogy valamennyi
a bűncselekményekkel szembeni védelmet és a konkrét felvilágosítást szolgáló technikai és …

Criminalistics in the curriculum: Some views from the forensic science community

CA Lindquist - Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
Criminalistics courses are found in the undergraduate curriculum of many criminal justice
degree programs. This paper represents an assessment of these courses in terms of both …

Forensic interns: Force multipliers in the crime lab

W Moorehead - Forensic Science Policy & Management: An …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Budget cuts and attrition of analytical staff directly impact casework production. New
employees often have a different, more exciting viewpoint of the working crime laboratory …