A vanishing Ext-branching theorem for (GL n+ 1 (F), GL n (F))

KY Chan, G Savin - Duke Mathematical Journal, 2021 - projecteuclid.org
A vanishing Ext-branching theorem for (GLn+1(F), GLn(F)) Page 1 A VANISHING EXT-BRANCHING

Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Representations of Reductive -adic Groups II

D Ciubotaru, L Mason-Brown, E Okada - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.10713, 2023 - arxiv.org
The wavefront set is a fundamental invariant of an admissible representation arising from the
Harish-Chandra-Howe local character expansion. In this paper, we give a precise formula …

Homological branching law for : projectivity and indecomposability

KY Chan - Inventiones mathematicae, 2021 - Springer
Let F be a non-Archimedean local field. This paper studies homological properties of
irreducible smooth representations restricted from GL _ n+ 1 (F) GL n+ 1 (F) to GL _n (F) GL …

Iwahori component of the Gelfand–Graev representation

KY Chan, G Savin - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2018 - Springer
Let G be a split reductive group over ap-adic field F. Let B be a Borel subgroup and U the
maximal unipotent subgroup of B. Let ψ ψ be a Whittaker character of U. Let I be an Iwahori …

Restriction for general linear groups: the local non-tempered Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture (non-Archimedean case)

KY Chan - Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik …, 2022 - degruyter.com
We prove a local Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture on predicting the branching law for the non-
tempered representations of general linear groups in the case of non-Archimedean fields …

On the Product Functor on Inner forms of the General Linear Group Over A Non-Archimedean Local Field

KY Chan - Transformation Groups, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Let\(G_n\) be an inner form of a general linear group over a non-Archimedean local
field. We fix an arbitrary irreducible representation\(\sigma\) of\(G_n\). Building on the work of …

The Iwahori--Matsumoto dual for tempered representations of Lusztig's geometric Hecke algebras

R La - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14528, 2024 - arxiv.org
The Iwahori--Matsumoto involution $\mathsf {IM} $ is an algebra involution on an affine
Hecke algebra. To a connected complex reductive group $ G $, Lusztig associated various …

Dirac induction for rational Cherednik algebras

D Ciubotaru, M De Martino - … Mathematics Research Notices, 2020 - academic.oup.com
We introduce the local and global indices of Dirac operators for the rational Cherednik
algebra, where is a complex reflection group acting on a finite-dimensional vector space. We …

Some methods of computing first extensions between modules of graded Hecke algebras

KY Chan - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2018 - Springer
In this paper, we establish connections between the first extensions of simple modules and
certain filtrations of of standard modules in the setting of graded Hecke algebras. The …

Algorithm for Iwahori-Matsumoto duality for tempered unipotent representations of geometric Hecke algebras of type B, C, D

R La - 2023 - ora.ox.ac.uk
The Iwahori–Matsumoto involution is an involutive operation on the Grothendieck group of
complex finite-dimensional representations of an affine Hecke algebra, or a graded Hecke …