Integrating genetic data into management of marine resources: how can we do it better?

RS Waples, AE Punt, JM Cope - Fish and Fisheries, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Molecular genetic data have found widespread application in the identification of population
and conservation units for aquatic species. However, integration of genetic information into …

Review of recreational fisheries survey methods

National Research Council, Life Studies… - 2006 -
Recreational fishing in the United States is an important social and economic component of
many marine fisheries, with an estimated 14 million anglers making almost 82 million fishing …

Interannual variability in the Northern California Current food web structure: changes in energy flow pathways and the role of forage fish, euphausiids, and jellyfish

JJ Ruzicka, RD Brodeur, RL Emmett, JH Steele… - Progress in …, 2012 - Elsevier
The Northern California Current (NCC) is a seasonally productive and open ecosystem. It is
home to both a diverse endemic community and to seasonally transient species. Productivity …

Beyond band-aids in fisheries management: fixing world fisheries

R Hilborn, AE Punt, J Orensanz - Bulletin of Marine Science, 2004 -
Although existing fisheries management systems have largely failed, the public and most
scientists believe this failure is due to overfishing and that the solution includes the …

Movements of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) in southeast Alaska: potential for increased conservation and yield from marine reserves

RM Starr, V O'Connell, S Ralston - Canadian Journal of …, 2004 -
Residence time and movement rates of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) were recorded in an
area closed to fishing in southeast Alaska to evaluate the potential effects of reserves on …

Design and parameterization of a spatially explicit ecosystem model of the central California Current

PJ Horne, IC Kaplan, KN Marshall, PS Levin… - 2010 -
Widespread declines in the status of species and habitats in marine ecosystems have led to
calls for ecosystem-scale management as a strategy to restore our oceans. Implementing …

Discard mortality of trawl-caught lingcod in relation to tow duration and time on deck

SJ Parker, PS Rankin, RW Hannah… - North American Journal …, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
The lingcod Ophiodon elongatus is a benthic marine fish commonly caught by groundfish
trawlers and discarded due to low catch limits. Managers must account for the mortality of …

Use of known-biomass production models to determine productivity of West Coast groundfish stocks

AD MacCall - North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Known-biomass production models use a biomass time series produced by a stock
assessment and thereby avoid the imprecision associated with estimating a catchability …

Review of institutional arrangements and evaluation of factors associated with successful stock recovery plans

RC Wakeford, DJ Agnew, CC Mees - Reviews in fisheries science, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
We review the development and success of fish stock recovery plans in the United States,
Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. A range of multi-disciplinary factors that have been …

Trends in fisheries and fishery resources associated with the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary from 1981-2000

RM Starr, JM Cope, LA Kerr - 2002 -
In the last decade, catches of many central California fishery resources have greatly
declined, due both to real decreases in fish populations and to increased regulations …