Graph learning, when used as a semi-supervised learning (SSL) method, performs well for classification tasks with a low label rate. We provide a graph-based batch active learning …
Classification of high dimensional data finds wide-ranging applications. In many of these applications equipping the resulting classification with a measure of uncertainty may be as …
Remote sensing data from hyperspectral cameras suffer from limited spatial resolution, in which a single pixel of a hyperspectral image may contain information from several materials …
Decomposing multidimensional signals, such as images, into spatially compact, potentially overlapping modes of essentially wavelike nature makes these components accessible for …
In this paper, we consider the problem of unmixing a time series of hyperspectral images. We propose a dynamical model based on linear mixing processes at each time instant. The …
This paper is a republication of an MMS paper [AL Bertozzi and A. Flenner, Multiscale Model. Simul., 10 (2012), pp. 1090--1118] describing a new class of algorithms for …
In the past few years, graph-based methods have proven to be a useful tool in a wide variety of energy minimization problems. In this article, we propose a graph-based algorithm for …
Hyperspectral video sequences (HVSs) are well suited for gas plume detection (GPD). The high spectral resolution allows the detection of chemical clouds even when they are optically …
Hyperspectral imagery is a challenging modality due to the dimension of the pixels which can range from hundreds to over a thousand frequencies depending on the sensor. Most …