A Toet - IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The predictions of 13 computational bottom-up saliency models and a newly introduced Multiscale Contrast Conspicuity (MCC) metric are compared with human visual conspicuity …
A Toet, MA Hogervorst - Target and background signatures VI, 2020 - spiedigitallibrary.org
In military operations signature reduction techniques such as camouflage nets, low-emissive paints, and camouflage patterns are typically deployed to optimize the survivability of high …
S Filipe, LA Alexandre - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2015 - Springer
\(\bullet\) In Sect. 3.1 (Biological plausible methods) the following paragraphs or sentences largely derive from the Borji and Itti article:“Rosenholtz (1999), Rosenholtz et al.(2004) …
M Emami, LL Hoberock - Image and Vision Computing, 2013 - Elsevier
There are many “machine vision” models of the visual saliency mechanism, which controls the process of selecting and allocating attention to the most “prominent” locations in the …
Deep learning architectures are an extremely powerful tool for recognizing and classifying images. However, they require supervised learning and normally work on vectors of the size …
Deep learning architectures are an extremely powerful tool for recognizing and classifying images. However, they require supervised learning and normally work on vectors the size of …
This paper studies the performance of recorded eye movements and computational visual attention models (ie saliency models) in the recognition of emotional valence of an image. In …
The objective of this project is to find an efficient biologically plausible model for the bottom- up saliency mechanism of the human vision system (HVS) and employ it in computer vision …
Humans have the ability to view a scene and form an overall representation in a remarkably short length of time. However, due to the complexity of visual search, it is reasonable to …