2022 FIBA 남자농구아시안컵경기결과를활용한머신러닝분류모형의예측성능비교

예원진, 이성노 - 한국체육측정평가학회지, 2022 - scholarworks.bwise.kr
이 연구의 목적은 2022 FIBA 남자농구 아시아컵 경기대회의 공식기록 (box score) 을 사용하여
전통적 측면 에서의 통계적 방법, 데이터마이닝 기법, 머신러닝의 기법을 활용하여 예측 성능을 …

Physical demands during 3× 3 international male and female basketball games are partially impacted by competition phase but not game outcome

D Ferioli, E Rampinini, D Conte, D Rucco… - Biology of …, 2023 - termedia.pl
Despite the increased popularity and number of international competitions for 3× 3
basketball, the precise physical demands of this sport are not well described. Therefore, this …

Age and sex differences in game-related statistics which discriminate winners from losers in elite basketball games

H Madarame - Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
AIMS To advance knowledge of long-term development of basketball players, this study
investigated age and sex differences in game-related statistics which discriminate winners …

농구승패결정요인추정을위한앙상블머신러닝모형의성능비교: 2022 FIBA 남자농구아시아컵대회를중심으로

범쟁쟁, 이성노 - 한국체육과학회지, 2023 - dbpia.co.kr
농구 승패결정요인 추정을 위한 앙상블 머신러닝 모형의 성능 비교 Page 1 1) Abstract The
purpose of this study is to predict win-loss determinants using random forest and XGBoost …

머신러닝분류모형을이용한FIBA 여자농구아시안컵대회의승패예측및요인분석에관한연구

예원진, 이성노 - 한국체육과학회지, 2022 - dbpia.co.kr
머신러닝 분류 모형을 이용한 FIBA 여자농구 아시안컵 대회의 승패 예측 및 요인 분석에 관한 연
Page 1 1) Abstract The purpose of this study is to predict match results and analyze win/loss …

2021 여자농구아시안컵경기대회의경기력비교-한국, 중국, 일본, 호주를중심으로

예원진, 이태현, 이성노 - 코칭능력개발지, 2022 - dbpia.co.kr
2021 여자 농구 아시안컵 경기대회에서 한국 여자 농구팀이 4 위를 차지하였다. 본 연구는
2021 년 제 29 회 여자 농구 아시안컵 경기대회에서 한국 팀과 상위권 세 팀 (일본, 중국, 호주) …

Regional differences in women's basketball: A comparison among Continental Championships

H Madarame - Sports, 2018 - mdpi.com
The aims of this study were (i) to compare basketball game-related statistics in women by
region (Africa, America, Asia, Europe), and (ii) to identify characteristics that discriminate …

Comparison between the WNBA and WEL: differences and key performance indicators in top women basketball leagues

JL Calvo, RMN Barragán, CS Luengo… - … nuevas tendencias en …, 2025 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Introduction: This study focused on comparing performance between the WNBA and the
Euroleague Women, identifying key variables to optimize key strategies in women's …

Difference-based analysis of the impact of observed game parameters on the final score at the FIBA Eurobasket Women 2019

S Simović, J Komić, B Guzina, Z Pajić, T Karalić… - 2020 - rua.ua.es
Evaluation in women's basketball is keeping up with developments in evaluation in men's
basketball, and although the number of studies in women's basketball has seen a positive …

Are regional differences in basketball already established in under-18 games?

H Madarame - Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
Aims: To identify regional differences in basketball games for under-age categories, this
study analyzed game-related statistics of four continental championships for under-18 (U18) …