[PDF][PDF] Goal-directed learning of hand-eye coordination in a humanoid robot

M Schmerling, G Schillaci… - 2015 joint IEEE …, 2015 - guidoschillaci.eu
Visuo-motor coordination is known to be highly important for the development of a broader
range of cognitive and motor skills in human infants and can thus be considered one of the …

Online learning of visuo-motor coordination in a humanoid robot. a biologically inspired model

G Schillaci, VV Hafner, B Lara - 4th International Conference …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Coordinating vision with movements of the body is a fundamental prerequisite for the
development of complex motor and cognitive skills. Visuo-motor coordination seems to rely …

Pengaruh Bermain Video Game Tipe First Person Shooter Terhadap Waktu Reaksi Yang Diukur Dengan Ruler Drop Test

IS Aji, B LAKSONO - 2014 - eprints.undip.ac.id
Latar belakang: Bermain video game merupakan kegiatan rekreasi yang paling populer.
Video game tipe first person shooter menuntut pemainnya untuk berkonsentrasi, berpikir …

[PDF][PDF] O nekim aspektima pripreme dece predškolskog uzrasta za opismenjavanje: razvoj grafomotorike

E Lazarević, J Stevanović… - U: Zbornik radova “ …, 2016 - pefja.kg.ac.rs
Apstrakt. Da bi dete uspešno ovladalo veštinom pisanja, neophodno je da ima dobro
razvijenu sposobnost grafomotorike, pored ostalih adekvatno razvijenih sposobnosti. S tim u …

3D animated movies, touch screen applications and visual motor development of five-year-old children

S Yücelyiğit, N Aral - Early Childhood Development: Concepts …, 2019 - igi-global.com
This study is implemented to investigate the effects of 3D animated movies and interactive
applications on visual motor development of five year old children. The research has been …

Impact of a Psychomotor Development Programme on Visual-Motor Integration, Motor Abilities and Human Figure Drawing by Preschool Children

I Grubišić, R Pinjatela - … vjesnik: časopis za pedagogijsku teoriju i …, 2019 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak The focus of this research was to study a possible association among visual-motor
integration, motor coordination and ability to draw human figures in typically developing …

Görsel Motor Becerileri Testi-3'ün Türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması

S Yücelyiğit, N Aral - Çocuk ve Gelişim Dergisi, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Araştırmada okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının görsel motor becerilerini bağımsız olarak ölçen
Görsel Motor Becerileri Testi-3'ün Türk çocuklarından elde edilen verilerle ne derece uyumlu …

[PDF][PDF] E-studies and mastering of educational material for people with visual perception and visual–motor integration problems-topical issues and perspectives

J Turlisova, A Jansone - … of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2019 - core.ac.uk
Today educational and study environment is no longer viewed separately from different
electronic technologies–the educational system must comply with the tendencies of today …

Mathematical learning difficulties in Grade 1: The role and interrelatedness of cognitive processing, perceptual skills and numerical abilities

LJ Eksteen - 2014 - scholar.ufs.ac.za
The development and application of mathematical competence have become a strategic
educational objective for all learners in South Africa (South Africa 2010: 3-6; South Africa …

Динаміка розвитку інтелектуальної функційності у дітей старшого дошкільного віку з логопатологією

ОБ Бєлова - 2024 - enpuir.npu.edu.ua
У статті розглядається науково-теоретичний аналіз щодо важливості формування у
дітей старшого дошкільного віку з порушеннями мовлення інтелектуальних складових …