On combining semi-formal and formal object specification techniques

M Gogolla, M Richters - International Workshop on Algebraic Development …, 1997 - Springer
In the early phases of software development it seems profitable to freely mix semi-formal and
formal design techniques. Formal techniques have their strength in their ability to rigorously …

A temporal logic approach to object certification

A Sernadas, C Sernadas, J Ramos - Data & Knowledge Engineering, 1996 - Elsevier
A brief overview is made of the use of temporal logic formalisms for specifying and verifying
concurrent systems in general and information systems in particular. The requirements …

Korrigan: un formalisme et une méthode pour la spécification formelle et structurée de systemes mixtes

P Poizat - 2000 - theses.hal.science
L'emploi des spécifications formelles est d'une grande importance, tout particulièrement
pour le développement de systèmes dits sécuritaires ou critiques. Les spécifications mixtes …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of mobility on information systems and information system design.

P Ahlbrecht - 2004 - leopard.tu-braunschweig.de
In the context of this dissertation, information systems are viewed as software systems
offering a number of information services based on a typically large data repository. More …

Nautilus: a concurrent anticipatory programming language

PB Menezes, SA Costa, JP Machado… - AIP Conference …, 2002 - pubs.aip.org
Nautilus is a concurrent anticipatory programming language based on the object‐oriented
language GNOME which is a simplified and revised version of OBLOG. A semantics for …

A two-level temporal logic for evolving specifications

PY Schobbens, G Saake, A Sernadas… - Information Processing …, 2002 - Elsevier
Traditional information system specifications are fixed: the rules of the system are frozen at
specification time. In practice, most systems have to change their rules in unexpected ways …

Nautilus, a concurrent diagrammatic specification and programming language

CN Fuzitaki, PB Menezes, JP Machado… - The Journal of …, 2006 - Springer
Nautilus is a high-level specification and programming language having abstraction
mechanisms not commonly found in other programming languages inspired by its semantic …

[PDF][PDF] A Temporal Logic Approach to Object Certification

CS Am lcar Sernadas, J Ramos - academia.edu
A brief overview is made of the use of temporal logic formalisms for specifying and verifying
concurrent systems in general and information systems in particular. The requirements …

[PDF][PDF] Categorial results in compositional model checking

P Mateus - 1997 - Citeseer
Herein, we give algebraic foundations for compositional model checking of Moore
machines. We de ne composition of Moore machines and maximal closing environments as …

[PDF][PDF] Views for the Integration of Datatypes and Control Specifications

C Choppy, P Poizat, JC Royer - Citeseer
We herein deal with mixed speci cation formalisms, ie formalisms dealing both with the static
(data types) and the dynamic (behaviour) parts of the systems such as LOTOS 23], SDL 15] …