On the evolvability of the TCP-IP based network firewall rule base

G Haerens - 2021 - repository.uantwerpen.be
A firewall is an essential network security component. The firewall rule base, the list of filters
to be applied on network traffic, can have significant evolvability issues in a context where …

Building Normalized Systems from Domain Models in Ecore

M Suchánek, H Mannaert, P Uhnák… - New Trends in Intelligent …, 2021 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Normalized Systems (NS) theory describes how to design and develop evolvable systems. It
is applied in practice to generate enterprise information systems using NS Expanders from …

Towards evolvable ontology-driven development with normalized systems

M Suchánek, H Mannaert, P Uhnák, R Pergl - International Conference on …, 2020 - Springer
Normalized Systems (NS) enables sustainable software development and maintenance
using code generation of evolvable information systems from models of so-called NS …

[PDF][PDF] Evolvability Analysis of Multiple Inheritance and Method Resolution Order in Python

M Suchánek, R Pergl - behaviour, 2020 - personales.upv.es
Inheritance as a relation for expressing generalisations and specialisations or taxonomies is
natural for conceptual modelling, but causes evolvability problems in software …

Ontological analysis of the evolvability of the network firewall rule base

G Haerens - Proceedings of the 20th CIAO! Doctoral …, 2020 - repository.uantwerpen.be
The TCP/IP based firewall is a notorious non-evolvable system. Changes to the firewall often
result in unforeseen side effects, resulting in the unavailability of network resources. The root …

[PDF][PDF] Towards Expanding Conceptual-Level Inheritance Patterns for Evolvable Systems

M Suchánek, R Pergl - personales.upv.es
Inheritance as a relation for expressing generalisations and specialisations or taxonomies is
natural for human perception and essential for conceptual modelling. However, it causes …