A Javadzadegan, N Myo Lwin, M Asyraf… - Artificial …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The creation of an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is a common surgical procedure in hemodialysis patients suffering from end‐stage renal disease (ESRD). However, several …
N Lwin, M Wahab, J Carroll… - 19th Australasian Fluid …, 2014 - torroja.dmt.upm.es
Abstract End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is the final stage of kidney failure where the kidneys are no longer able to perform their regulatory functions. Haemodialysis is the …
O Bazan, JP Ortiz - Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2011 - SciELO Brasil
Background: Since most complications related to the operation of prosthetic heart valves are due to disturbances of flow, its hydrodynamic characterization is a useful aid in the design of …
AC Polimanti, RVC Fürst, SJ Galego… - Jornal Vascular …, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
Background Adequate flow through a newly created arteriovenous fistula depends on multiple characteristics of the vessels and patient comorbidities. Several studies have …
Cévní přístup je pro hemodialyzované pacienty životně důležitý. Jeho životnost je ovlivněna mnoha hemodynamickými faktory, jako je tlak, průtokový režim, smykové napětí na stěně …
Radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula (RCAVF) at wrist is the chosen access for hemodialysis. Most studies describe access complications without considering the effect of the …
Cévní přístup je pro hemodialyzované pacienty životně důležitý. Jeho životnost je ovlivněna mnoha hemodynamickými faktory, jako je tlak, průtokový režim, smykové napětí na stěně …
JY Kim, KC Ro, HS Ryou - Journal of computational fluids …, 2011 - koreascience.kr
Hemodialysis is essential for patients with end stage renal failure. It is important to improve the patency rate and to minimize occurrence of the stenosis. Also, the blood flow to the …