Class in Yugoslav Socialism and in the Post-Yugoslav Societies: Toward a Bourdieuan Repositioning of the Issue (Part 2).

I Tomić-Koludrović, M Petrić - Revija za sociologiju, 2014 -
This article attempts to outline what its authors see as a potentially productive
methodological approach for studying the connection between the notion of class in socialist …

Klasa u jugoslavenskom socijalizmu iu postjugoslavenskim društvima: prema bourdieuovskom repozicioniranju problema (Drugi dio)

I Tomić-Koludrović, M Petrić - Revija za sociologiju, 2014 -
Članak pokušava u glavnim crtama prikazati ono što njegova autorica i autor vide kao
potencijalno produktivan metodološki pristup proučavanju veze između pojma klase u …

Class in Yugoslav Socialism and in the Post-Yugoslav Societies: Toward a Bourdieuan Repositioning of the Issue (Part 2)/Klasa u jugoslavenskom socijalizmu iu …

M Petric - Revija za Sociologiju, 2014 -
This article attempts to outline what its authors see as a potentially productive
methodological approach for studying the connection between the notion of class in socialist …