AN Osnes, M Vartdal - International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Models for prediction of drag forces within a particle cloud following shock- acceleration are evaluated with the aid of results from particle-resolved simulations in order …
I. Introduction o support the Warfighter, the Army needs to provide reliable and efficient propulsion for heavy fuel engine platforms that exclusively rely on direct injection fuel …
ED Gonzalez-Juez, AR Kerstein - International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2020 - Elsevier
With an interest on atomization in turbulent flows, and modeling alternatives to classic atomization models and Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS), the present work derives and …
Breaking waves entrain gas beneath the surfaces of oceans. The wave-breaking process energizes turbulent fluctuations that break bubbles in quick succession to generate a wide …
Douglas Hector Fontes Francisco José de Souza School of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Uberlândia, Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121, Bloco 5P, Uberlândia …
In the present work, the importance of secondary droplet breakup and the impact of the initial droplet distribution on lean blowout (LBO) predictions is investigated to determine the …
High Performance Computing Modernization Program … - 2016 -
This issue of HPC Insights showcases recent work on high-fidelity simulations of jet atomization and first principles modeling of modern jet-engine combustors demonstrates …
In this work, the Direct Numerical Simulation of the Spray-A of the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) is performed by the use of the PARIS Simulator. In particular, the Lagrangian …