We develop basic notions and methods of algebraic geometry over the algebraic objects called hyperrings. Roughly speaking, hyperrings generalize rings in such a way that an …
We determine the real counting function N (q)(q∈[1,∞)) for the hypothetical 'curve'over 𝔽1, whose corresponding zeta function is the complete Riemann zeta function. We show that …
TEXT: We show that the theory of hyperrings, due to M. Krasner, supplies a perfect framework to understand the algebraic structure of the adèle class space HK= AK/K× of a …
A Connes, C Consani - Casimir Force, Casimir Operators and the …, 2010 - degruyter.com
We show that the trace formula interpretation of the explicit formulas expresses the counting function Nq/of the hypothetical curve C associated to the Riemann zeta function, as an …
O Lorscheid - Advances in Mathematics, 2012 - Elsevier
In this paper, we introduce the category of blueprints, which is a category of algebraic objects that include both commutative (semi) rings and commutative monoids. This …
G Cortiñas, C Haesemeyer, ME Walker… - Journal für die reine und …, 2015 - degruyter.com
We give conditions for the Mayer–Vietoris property to hold for the algebraic K-theory of blow- up squares of toric varieties and schemes, using the theory of monoid schemes. These …
The theory of Lambda-rings, in the sense of Grothendieck's Riemann-Roch theory, is an enrichment of the theory of commutative rings. In the same way, we can enrich usual …
TEXT: We show that the algebra and the endomotive of the quantum statistical mechanical system of Bost–Connes naturally arises by extension of scalars from the “field with one …
A Connes, C Consani - Noncommutative geometry, arithmetic …, 2011 - books.google.com
We show that the mathematical meaning of working in characteristic 1 is directly connected to the fields of idempotent analysis and tropical algebraic geometry and we relate this idea …