Temperature control of Ar induction thermal plasma with diatomic molecular gases by pulse amplitude modulation of the coil current

Y Tanaka, T Sakuta - Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2003 - iopscience.iop.org
A high-pressure inductively coupled thermal plasma (ICTP) system was developed; it can
modulate the amplitude of the induction coil current periodically with a cycle of several …

A comparative study of transient characteristics of argon and hydrogenated-argon pulse-modulated induction thermal plasma

MM Hossain, Y Hashimoto, Y Tanaka… - IEEE transactions on …, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Solving a time-dependent two-dimensional local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model
simulation of Ar and Ar-H/sub 2/atmospheric pressure, a high-power RF-induction thermal …

Particle concentrations and transport properties of a partially ionized Ar plasma in a two-temperature reaction kinetic approach

MM Hossain, Y Tanaka, T Sakuta - Journal of Physics D: Applied …, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
The population density of a partially ionized Ar plasma has been calculated in a two-
temperature reaction kinetic approach under steady-state condition, and at elevated electron …

Extinguishing phenomenon and critical discharge boundaries of argon and molecular-gas-seeded argon pulse-modulated induction thermal plasmas

MM Hossain, Y Tanaka, T Sakuta - Plasma Sources Science and …, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
A stable discharge region of pulse modulated induction thermal plasma at atmospheric
pressure has been determined in terms of the duty factor (DF) and the shimmer current level …

Stable operation region and dynamic behavior of Ar pulse‐modulated induction thermal plasma with different molecular gases

Y Tanaka, T Sakuta - Electrical Engineering in Japan, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
The pulse‐modulated induction thermal plasma (PMITP) was established in Ar gas with
additional gases such as H2, O2, N2, and CO2 to investigate the effects of various gas …

Transient behavior of current modulated 2-T inductively coupled plasma

KC Paul - IEEE transactions on plasma science, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Time-dependent thermal plasmas are not in an equilibrium condition even if they are
operated at a very high pressure. Therefore, nonequilibrium modeling is required in order to …

[引用][C] 脉冲调制磁化容性耦合放电中Ar^+ 光谱特性研究

王华强, 张鹏云, 李玉洁 - 真空, 2012

[引用][C] 脉冲调制射频容性耦合SiH_4/C_2H_4/Ar 放电的发射光谱诊断

张娇, 张鹏云 - 真空, 2011

各種ガス混入大気圧パルス変調Ar 誘導熱プラズマの安定維持範囲と過渡応答特性

田中康規, 作田忠裕 - 2002 - kanazawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp
The pulse-modulated induction thermal plasma (PMITP) was established in Ar gas with
additional gases such as H2, O2, N2 and CO2 to investigate the effects of various gas …