Cerebral cortical mechanisms of reaching movements

JF Kalaska, DJ Crammond - Science, 1992 - science.org
Because reaching movements have a clear objective—to bring the hand to the spatial
location of an object—they are well suited to study how the central nervous system plans a …

Inhibitory motor control in stop paradigms: review and reinterpretation of neural mechanisms

GPH Band, GJM Van Boxtel - Acta psychologica, 1999 - Elsevier
What is the neurophysiological locus of inhibition when preparation for a manual response
is countermanded? This paper evaluates data and models that pertain to inhibitory …

[图书][B] Motor learning and control

R Magill, DI Anderson - 2010 - academia.edu
“This tenth edition of Motor Control and Learning extends and updates the major revisions in
the previous edition. The many changes in that edition included new chapters, restructured …

[图书][B] Human motor control

DA Rosenbaum - 2009 - books.google.com
Motor Control is a complex process that involves the brain, muscles, limbs, and often
external objects. It underlies motion, balance, stability, coordination, and our interaction with …

Evolution of behavioral attractors with learning: nonequilibrium phase transitions.

PG Zanone, JA Kelso - Journal of Experimental Psychology …, 1992 - psycnet.apa.org
Learning a bimanual coordination task (synchronization to a visually specified phasing
relation) was studied as a dynamical process over 5 days of practicing a required phasing …

The contribution of muscle properties in the control of explosive movements

AJ van Soest, MF Bobbert - Biological cybernetics, 1993 - Springer
Explosive movements such as throwing, kicking, and jumping are characterized by high
velocity and short movement time. Due to the fact that latencies of neural feedback loops are …

Catching balls: how to get the hand to the right place at the right time.

L Peper, RJ Bootsma, DR Mestre… - Journal of Experimental …, 1994 - psycnet.apa.org
Abstract Information specifying the future passing distance of an approaching object is
available (in units of object size) in the ratio of optical displacement velocity and optical …

Hybrid models for motion control systems

RW Brockett - Essays on Control: Perspectives in the Theory and its …, 1993 - Springer
This paper presents a mathematical framework for modeling motion control systems and
other families of computer controlled devices that are guided by symbol strings as well as …

Strategies and mechanisms in nonselective and selective inhibitory motor control.

R De Jong, MGH Coles, GD Logan - Journal of experimental …, 1995 - psycnet.apa.org
Motor inhibition was studied in 3 versions of the stop-signal paradigm, with the stop signal
requiring inhibition of any response (stop-all), a fixed alternative response (stop-change), or …

A psychophysiological analysis of inhibitory motor control in the stop-signal paradigm

GJM van Boxtel, MW van der Molen, JR Jennings… - Biological …, 2001 - Elsevier
We examined two potential inhibitory mechanisms for stopping a motor response.
Participants performed a standard visual two-choice task in which visual stop signals and no …