Living animals display a variety of morphological, physiological, and biochemical characters that enable them to live in low-oxygen environments. These features and the organisms that …
The emergence and expansion of animal life on Earth represents a dramatic shift in the structure and complexity of the biosphere. A lack of firm constraints on surface oxygen levels …
To improve estimates of the extent of ocean oxygenation during the late Ediacaran Period, we measured the U and Mo isotope compositions of euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) organic …
Uranium isotope variations (δ 238 U) recorded in sedimentary carbonate rocks are a promising new proxy for the extent of oceanic anoxia through geological time. However, the …
The enrichment and depletion of redox sensitive trace metals in marine sediments have been used extensively as paleoredox proxies. The trace metals in shale are comprised of …
P Bonnand, RH James, IJ Parkinson… - Earth and Planetary …, 2013 - Elsevier
Chromium isotopes are fractionated during redox reactions and have the potential to provide a record of changes in the oxygenation levels of the oceans in the geological past. However …
K Scheiderich, M Amini, C Holmden… - Earth and Planetary …, 2015 - Elsevier
Seawater chromium (Cr) isotope and concentration data are presented from multiple sites in the Arctic Ocean, and three locations in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A 2400-m profile …
Abstract Pure Superior-type Banded Iron Formation (BIF) samples from the Krivoy Rog Supergroup (Ukraine) are excellent archives of ambient Early Precambrian seawater. They …
A growing number of detailed geochemical studies of Ediacaran (635–541 Ma) marine successions have provided snapshots into the redox environments that played host to the …