BERT4Cache: a bidirectional encoder representations for data prefetching in cache

J Shang, Z Wu, Z Xiao, Y Zhang, J Wang - PeerJ Computer Science, 2024 -
Cache plays a crucial role in improving system response time, alleviating server pressure,
and achieving load balancing in various aspects of modern information systems. The data …

The Tribes of Machine Learning and the Realm of Computer Architecture

A Akram, J Lowe-Power - arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.04105, 2020 -
Machine learning techniques have influenced the field of computer architecture like many
other fields. This paper studies how the fundamental machine learning techniques can be …

Runtime adaptive cache for the leon3 processor

O Navarro, M Hübner - … 14th International Symposium, ARC 2018, Santorini …, 2018 - Springer
Cache memories are a key component of computing systems because they minimize latency
between the processor and the main memory. However, they require a large amount of the …

A machine learning methodology for cache memory design based on dynamic instructions

O Navarro, J Yudi, J Hoffmann… - ACM Transactions on …, 2020 -
Cache memories are an essential component of modern processors and consume a large
percentage of their power consumption. Its efficacy depends heavily on the memory …

A Classification Model for Predicting Suitable Cache Level in a Multi-core Architecture

V Thasneema, S Bhaskaran - 2021 International Conference …, 2021 -
Cache memory has an important role in achieving system performance in multi-core
architecture. Finding the best suitable cache configuration for an application is a very …

[PDF][PDF] Domain adaptive processor architectures

F Fricke, S Mahmood, J Hoffmann, M Ali… - … in der Automation …, 2020 -
The ongoing megatrends in industry and academia like the Internet of Things (IoT), the
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) present the …