Motives: Active aging places (AAP) should be identified during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the sanitary safety of seniors, prevent older adults from feeling excluded, and …
K Moj, R Owsiński, G Robak, MK Gupta - Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2023 -
Purpose Additive manufacturing (AM), a rapidly evolving paradigm, has shown significant advantages over traditional subtractive processing routines by allowing for the custom …
An immanent feature of the housing market is a large spatial dispersion of real estate prices along with their simultaneous high stratification. Application of classic methods of data …
K Kopczewska - Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial …, 2021 -
Entropy detects deviation of distribution from full dispersion or full concentration. Shannon's entropy concept (1948) has been widely used in many studies due to its high explanatory …
B Doszczeczko - Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna, 2022 -
Zarys treści: Wiele miast w Polsce mierzy się z konsekwencjami wysokiego poziomu motoryzacji, takimi jak kongestia, zanieczyszczenie powietrza, hałas oraz koszty wynikające …
P Śleszyński - Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego …, 2019 -
The article presents the concept of tax in retail activities for stationary stores, depending on the size of the sales area and the number of population at a distance from the place of sale …
M Figurska, M Bełej - Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia …, 2018 -
Teselacja jest procesem polegającym na dzieleniu większej płaszczyzny na mniejsze wielokąty (o takim samym lub różnym kształcie), bez ich nachodzenia na siebie lub …
P Śleszyński - … of the Industrial Geography Commission of …, 2019 -
The article presents the concept of tax in retail activities for stationary stores, depending on the size of the sales area and the number of population at a distance from the place of sale …
Python implementation of selected algorithms finding Voronoi diagrams in computational geometry is presented. A Voronoi diagram of a given point set P in the plane is a division of …