Networks-based approaches are often used to analyze gene expression data or protein– protein interactions but are not usually applied to study the relationships between different …
Background Network graphs allow modelling the real world objects in terms of interactions. In a multilayer network, the interactions are distributed over layers (ie, intralayer and …
Real-world objects are usually defined in terms of their own relationships or connections. A graph (or network) naturally expresses this model though nodes and edges. In biology …
In network analysis, real-world systems may be represented via graph models, where nodes and edges represent the set of biological objects (eg, genes, proteins, molecules) and their …
In bioinformatics, networks are used for modeling biological objects (eg, genes, proteins, drugs) as nodes, and their interactions as edges. A multilayer network is used for modeling …
Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) are a group of complex disorders characterized by the progressive degeneration and dysfunction of neurons in the central nervous system. NDs …
In recent years, the use of Cloud infrastructures for data processing has proven useful, with a computing potential that is not affected by the limitations of a local infrastructure. In this …
J Wen, B Gabrys, K Musial - IEEE Access, 2023 -
The ability to faithfully represent real social networks is critical from the perspective of testing various what-if scenarios which are not feasible to be implemented in a real system as the …
Serverless is a computing model where the infrastructure orchestration is managed by the service provider. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a serverless computing service named …