In a global context of widespread fears over Islamic radicalisation and militancy, poor Muslim youth, especially those socialised in religious seminaries, have attracted …
Research on public speaking has recently made fair progress within the CSCW scholarship that mostly focuses on training speakers to gain popularity. Core to this research is the idea …
Despite the importance of entrepreneurs as the change agents of the societies as well as the rich history of entrepreneurship as a scholarly field of research, just a few scholars put …
Le sous-titre du livre d'Abdoulaye Sounaye nous dit qu'il s' est agi pour lui de «contribuer» à l'analyse du phénomène de «ré-islamisation» tel qu'il se manifeste au Niger. Et de fait, il …
A Sounaye - Social Compass, 2014 -
In Niger, Izala is a well established Islamic reform movement that is known for its strategic use of small media. The author investigates how these media are produced and circulated …
F Madore - Journal des anthropologues, 2016 -
Á partir des cas ivoirien et burkinabé, cet article propose d'explorer les contenus de l'islam à l'ère du web et des réseaux sociaux, d'en présenter les conséquences sur l'identité …
This article discusses youth religiosities and how young Salafi (Sunnance) appropriate the discourse of the popularization of the Sunna and at the same time distance themselves from …
DA Triantoro - Penamas, 2020 -
Artikel ini mengkaji tentang dinamika perubahan otoritas keagamaan utamanya pada Ustaz Abdul Somad yang ceramahnya banyak diunggah melalui Youtube. Kajian ini penting …
Names: Howe, Justine, 1981-editor. Title: The Routledge handbook of Islam and gender/edited by Justine Howe. Description: 1.| New York: Routledge, 2020.| Series …