[HTML][HTML] Gago Coutinho and the Scientific Navigation

ARR Silva, JMM Barata, FMSP Neves - Open Journal of Applied …, 2016 - scirp.org
Gago Coutinho, jointly with another Portuguese aerial navigator, managed to perform the
First Flight from Europe to the South Atlantic in 1922, a Journey exclusively guided by …

[HTML][HTML] The History of the Portuguese Aviation—A Summary

FMSP Neves, JMM Barata, ARR Silva - Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2016 - scirp.org
This article is intended as a summary of a new area of study on the History of the Portuguese
Aeronautics and Aerospace and addresses issues such as: the forthcoming of the aircraft at …

[HTML][HTML] The Advent of Scientific Aircraft Navigation

JMM Barata, ALM Mendes, CMP Morgado… - Open Journal of Applied …, 2016 - scirp.org
Two Portuguese aerial navigators, Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral, crossed for the first
time, from Europe to the South Atlantic in 1922; they developed and used for the first time …

[HTML][HTML] First Flight from Europe to the South Atlantic

ARR Silva, JMM Barata, CMP Morgado… - Open Journal of Applied …, 2016 - scirp.org
The History of the transatlantic flights goes back to 1919 and began with a flight performed
from Newfoundland to Lisbon; two weeks later another flight was performed between …

[HTML][HTML] The first aerial journey from Portugal to Macau

FMSP Neves, JMM Barata, ARR Silva - Open Journal of Applied …, 2016 - scirp.org
On 1920, Brito Pais and Sarmento Beires tried an unsuccessful flight attempt from Amadora,
Lisbon to Madeira Island onboard an airplane Breguet XIV A2, named “Cavaleiro Negro” …

[引用][C] First Flight from Europe to the South Atlantic

RRS André, MMB Jorge… - Open Journal of …, 2016 - Scientific Research Publishing