Maximizing yield through retesting of rejected circuits using approximation technique

SK Jena, S Biswas, JK Deka - 2020 IEEE REGION 10 …, 2020 -
The maximizing yield concept ensures a semi-conductor manufacturing structure towards
recognizing, diminishing, and avoiding yield-related defects and contamination. According …

Retesting defective circuits to allow acceptable faults for yield enhancement

SK Jena, S Biswas, JK Deka - Journal of Electronic Testing, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Applications like Recognition, Mining, and Synthesis (RMS) with error-resilience
properties can use circuits that produce acceptable results. In other words, the circuit that …

Approximate function memoization

P Arundhati, SK Jena, SK Pani - Concurrency and Computation …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Function memoization is an optimization technique that reduces a function call overhead
when the same input appears again. A table that stores the previous result is searched and …

Analysis and Redesign of Digital Circuits to Support Green Computing Through Approximation

SK Jena, SK Srivastava, A Husain - Proceedings of the International …, 2021 - Springer
The massive power consumption by several computing devices places a heavy burden on
the power grid. Beginning from the production of these devices to its disposal, it poses …