Family Relations and Parliamentary Elections in Transylvania and Eastern Hungary (1867–1918)

J Pál, V Popovici - Elites, Groups, and Networks in East-Central and South …, 2022 -
The links between kinship and politics have attracted the researchers' interest for a long
time, but the phenomenon has been and remains, to date, mainly perceived as a feature of …

[PDF][PDF] Instrumentalizing Szeklerland autonomy through Szekler memory sites and rites in post-1989 Romania

P Szedlacsek - Culture, 2015 -
In post-communist Romania, Szekler political and intellectual elites have taken advantage of
a long discursive tradition on Szekler autonomy, which developed throughout the nineteenth …

6-Electoral Corruption in Austro-Hungarian Transylvania at the Beginning of the Dualist Period (1867-1872)

J Pál - Patronage et corruption politiques dans l'Europe …, 2014 -
6 - Electoral Corruption in Austro-Hungarian Transylvania at the Beginning of the Dualist Period
(1867-1872) |, Matières à réflexion, Matières à réflexion Aucune …

Overseeing Orphans' Care: The Presidents of the Orphan Courts in Transylvania during Dualism

OE Iudean, N Hegedus - Romanian Journal of Population Studies, 2021 -
The present paper provides a glimpse into a less researched position in the hungarian civil
service during Dualism, namely the officials presiding the orphan courts or sees (sedrii …

[PDF][PDF] Transylvanian review

OE Iudean, A Onojescu, N Bocºan, A Fehér, J Pál… - 2013 -
During the second half of the 19th century and the first two decades of the 20th century, the
romanian nation under Habsburg domination experienced a whole range of changes. These …