This work presents a disease detection classifier based on symptoms encoded by their severity. This model is presented as part of the solution to the saturation of the healthcare …
Skin blemishes can be caused by multiple events or diseases and, in some cases, it is difficult to distinguish where they come from. Therefore, there may be cases with a …
Cervical cancer is caused in the vast majority of cases by the human papilloma virus (HPV) through sexual contact and requires a specific molecular-based analysis to be detected. As …
This work presents a disease detection classifier based on symptoms encoded by their severity. This model is presented as part of the solution to the saturation of the healthcare …
Obesitas menjadi salah satu permasalahan gizi yang dapat timbul pada berbagai usia termasuk remaja. Jika tidak diatasi maka akan menyebabkan obesitas pada usia dewasa …