An Experimental Study of Fuel Economy and Emission Characteristics for a Heavy-Duty DME Bus

YI Oh, YD Pyo, OB Kwon, YS Beak… - Transactions of the …, 2012 -
The experimental test was conducted for a heavy-duty DME bus in JE-05 exhaust gas test
mode using a chassis dynamometer, exhaust gas analyzers, and a PM measurement …

Injection Flow Rate Improvement of Injectors for DME Common-rail Systems

GS Lee, SS Shin, JH Park - Journal of ILASS-Korea, 2013 -
In this study, injection flow rates and material of the solenoid sealing of the injectors were
improved for the development of a di-methyl Ether (DME) common-rail system. To deliver the …

[PDF][PDF] DME 커먼레일시스템을위한인젝터분사유량개선

이기수, 신석신, 박종호 - 한국액체미립화학회지제, 2013 -
In this study, injection flow rates and material of the solenoid sealing of the injectors were
improved for the development of a di-methyl Ether (DME) common-rail system. To deliver the …

대형DME 버스의연비및배기가스특성에관한연구

오용일, 표영덕, 권옥배, 백영순, 조상현… - 대한기계학회논문집B …, 2012 -
본 연구에서는 대형버스 배기가스 테스트 모드인 JE-05 에서 DME 와 디젤을 연료로 사용하는
대형 DME 버스를 차대동력계, 배기가스 분석기 그리고 PM 측정시스템을 이용하여 대형 DME …

커먼레일DME 연료시스템을적용한상용DME 엔진개발

오세두, 박정권, 이호길, 이기수, 정수진 - 한국자동차공학회춘계학술 …, 2011 -
Di-methyl ether (DME) has attracted a iot of interest as the upcoming alternative fuel that can
satisfy the saving of fossil energy and the reduction of air pollutants and the greenhouse gas …

3L 급DME 커먼레일시스템을위한인젝터Seal 과분사유량개선

이기수, 신윤섭, 김현철, 오세두, 정수진… - 한국자동차공학회추계 …, 2011 -
The study on the improvement of injector seal and injection flow rate for developing a 3L di-
methyl Ether (DME) common-rail system were performed. The nozzle flow model was used …

[引用][C] 대형버스의연비및배기가스특성에관한연구DME

오용일, 표영덕, 권옥배, 백영순, 조상현, 임옥택