The worldwide health status of honey bees

JD Ellis, PA Munn - Bee world, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
In 1988, a comprehensive review of world bee health was published in Bee World. Intended
as an accessible and reliable reference to worldwide bee health status, updates have been …

Prevalencia de parásitos en Apis mellifera L en colmenares del secano costero e interior de la VI Región, Chile

A Hinojosa, D Gonzalez - Parasitología latinoamericana, 2004 - SciELO Chile
Se procesaron un total de 1.418 muestras para determinar la prevalencia de Varroa
destructor, Braula coeca, Nosema apis y Malpinghamoeba mellificae durante cuatro …

Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of selected Turkish honeys

S Kolaylı, R Aliyazıcıoğlu, E Ulusoy… - Hacettepe Journal of …, 2008 -
The purpose of this study was to investigate antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of
selected honeys, chestnut n= 15, Bayburt n= 8 and Anzer n= 7 from Turkey. Antioxidant …

Prevalence of microsporidium and other intestinal parasites in children from Malatya, Turkey

S Calik, U Karaman, C Colak - Indian journal of microbiology, 2011 - Springer
Parasite infections are common during the critical developmental period in children. The
occurrences of intestinal parasites are also common in orphanage, nurseries and schools in …

Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Anzer tea essential oil

N Şekeroǧlu, M Deveci, CK Buruk… - Journal of the …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Anzer tea (Thymus praecox, subsp. caucasicus var. caucasicus) naturally grows in the
eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Anzer tea, a creeping plant with crimson‐pink flowers, is …

[PDF][PDF] Estimulacion de la puesta en abejas (Apis mellifera)

JP Avilez, X Araneda - Archivos de zootecnia, 2007 -
En época invernal, se suministraron 5 tipos de suplementación alimenticia (1: jarabe
(azúcar-agua); 2: miel, polen seco y azúcar; 3: miel, sustituto lácteo y azúcar; 4: miel, quinua …

Beekeeping in Turkey: Bridging Asia and Europe

A Özkırım - Asian beekeeping in the 21st century, 2018 - Springer
Turkey contains the second largest number of honeybee colonies in the world. Beekeeping
is managed by beekeepers affiliated with 79 provincial beekeeper associations and the …

Mineral composition of selected honeys from Turkey.

S Kolaylı, N Kongur, A Gundogdu, B Kemer - 2008 -
The aim of the present study was to determine the levels of some minerals, such as Na, K,
Ca Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Pb, in honey samples produced and consumed abundantly in Black …

The epidemiology of microsporidias in humans (Malatya sample)

U Karaman, N Daldal, M Atambay… - Turkish Journal of …, 2009 -
Aim: Microsporidias, first isolated and defined in 1857, are obligate intracellular parasites
observed in animal groups and especially invertebrates. Generally homosexual patients and …

Occurrence of nosemosis (Nosema apis) affecting honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in Kashmir

SA Dar, SB Ahmad - Applied Biological Research, 2013 -
The present study was aimed to determine the occurrence of Nosema apis (Nosemosis) on
Apis mellifera L. in Kashmir. The samples of A. mellifera were collected from 6 districts of …